Friday, October 27, 2017

I took the long way...

I Took the Long Way Here…

  because that’s the only way I know. Anything and Everything I’ve ever done has taken much longer than it should have. I probably know why but choose ignorance as any speculation on my part would probably open up some sort of stupid hell in which I lose a a meaningless but irreplaceable piece of paper without even leaving my seat, only to find it in my pocket after I spent a year searching for it. Sounds crazy but these setbacks have plagued me my entire life. I’d like to say that I’ve taken it all in stride but I’d be lying. I’ve hated every minute, day, week, year of it. I point it out to all within earshot, not for sympathy, as a matter of record. BUT, there is another side of me, the side that has always believed in the laws of probability. Simply stated, the shit card can only be dealt so many times in a row to the same individual OR an individual can only make so many bad decisions in a row before he comes up roses. Either way, it's a mathematical fact that this run will take a turn for the better any time now. ANY TIME NOW…...of course, the odds of fate hearing my call are 1 in 2, and about 123 in 1397 that upon hearing me, laughs till he shits on my head. Albeit, this gives me some comfort and for that, I am thankful.

D. Pulley

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